It’s 55 percent and wrapped in roadkill, is this the world’s most ‘shocking’ beer?
Bodies of squirrels, weasels and a hare used to package ale costing $765 a bottle
The End of History is billed as the strongest, most expensive and most shocking beer in the world by its Scottish makers.
历史终点(the End of History)被其苏格兰创始人标榜为全球最烈性、最昂贵乃至最骇人的啤酒。
You’d expect a lot from a bottle of beer costing $765. What you get is 55 percent alcohol — and served in a squirrel.
According to Scottish firm BrewDog, “The End of History” is the “strongest, most expensive and most shocking beer in the world.”
Just 12 bottles were made and the company has already sold out. They will be shipped out to buyers in the United States, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Scotland and England next week.
The dead animals which were used to create the beers’ unusual appearance were four squirrels, seven weasels and a hare. All were roadkill, James Watt, co-founder of BrewDog, told msnbc.com.
The name of the blond Belgian ale is taken from the title of a book by philosopher Francis Fukuyama, “The End of History and the Last Man” which the company said had been chosen to imply “this is to beer what democracy is to history.”
这种淡黄色比利时啤酒的名称来源于哲学家弗朗西斯·福山(Francis Fukuyama)所著的《历史的终点与最后的人类》,该公司称用啤酒的名称来暗示书中的一句话:以此来酝酿民主对历史的意义(this is to beer what democracy is to history)。
Watt said the beer should be treated with care when drinking.
“It tastes more like a whisky and you have got to handle it in that way as opposed to the way you would handle a normal beer,” he told me.