look! up in the sky!看!在天上!
Industrial buildings usually locate their offices on the ground level and the factory warehouse behind and above. In this project BAU asks, what can be gained by turning this now clichéd response upside-down? If the offices are placed on top of the factory they get a southern orientation, great views, a quiet environment conducive to an efficient working environment, excellent cross ventilation, and access to gardens on the roof of the factory.
工业建筑通常将办公地点设在底楼和工厂仓库的后方和上方。在这个项目中,BAU想探索把这种现已显得陈腐的安排颠倒过来会得到什么?如果办公室位于工厂的顶部它们就会拥有向南的朝向、美丽的景色、安静的环境、有利于高效率的工作环境、极好的对流通风,以及通往工厂屋顶上的花园的入径。Other opportunities then emerge. How to link the ground floor to the offices above? How to get customers to the admin levels? How to provide an enticing and active ground floor?然后其他机会出现了。怎么把底层连接到上面的办公室?怎么让客户达到行政层?怎么提供迷人和活跃的底层?
A primary objective for any contemporary office is to enable and encourage both formal and informal communication.At the ground floor is a lobby area that is exposed to parts of the manufacturing process – there is no back-of-house in this project.
The ground floor lobby is connected to the rooftop offices via a series of terraces and a grand staircase that connects all floors in one large and generous space that is stretched diagonally across the north façade of the building – this is not a dark and enclosed fire stair or corridor.
The office space is split into levels and wrap around an atrium that brings everyone within easy reach of the two adjacent floors, multiplying the communication opportunities, while provides everyone with a clear view of the garden – this is not an office of isolation.
monolith, diagonal terraces, hill-top-town
The factory program is expressed as a mass – a monolith with vertical fissures cut into its surface. It is more an unlikely geological feature than a building. Attached to this mass are two point-line-plane elements, one contains the diagonal terraces the other the hill-top-town.
building versus architecture
The clients wanted a building that was well built and that would work well now and into the future. BAU also wanted that – and more. By questioning clichés, seeing problems as opportunities, and not without a touch of poetry, BAU not only provided a well-built, flexible, environmentally sustainable building, they also provided a surprising and delightful piece of architecture.
Project Data
Project Status: Completed 2006
Location: Shanghai, China地点: 中国,上海
Year: 2004-2006年份: 2004-2006
Client: Shanghai Hongxuan Bus Group
客户: 上海巴士弘轩集团
Construction Area:
Floor area: 13000㎡, site area: 5500㎡
Typology: Office building
类型: 办公楼
Program: Office and warehouse
功能项目: 办公楼及仓库
BAU Project Team: James Brearley, Fang Qun, Huang Lei, Wang Lihui, Lu Shuxin, Xia Jing, Wang Kan
BAU项目组成员: James Brearley,方群,黄磊,王立辉,卢树新,夏晶,王侃
Engineer Architectural Documentation: Shanghai Jianke Architectural Design Institute
合作设计院: 上海建科建筑设计院有限公司
3D Rendering: BAU3D 渲染: BAU
Photographer: Alex Bland, Shuhe, Dera
摄影:Alex Bland、舒赫、Dera